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Wouter Tebbens

Ann Pendleton-Jullian also talks about networks, how the network architecture changes power structures. That's also an important element of how we shape the future.

So we need networks of commoners and commons initiatives :)

And I agree, a good narrative to let the different movements converge and together become more powerful.


You are right Wouter! Networks is what changes the whole landscape and enables the scaffold and an effective ecosystem for change. I probably omitted to describe the whole elements of the scaffold. Let me change this.

Jessie Henshaw

I wonder what Ann Pendleton-Jullian thinks of ownership as physical economic power, the physical control of the structures of the economy, its resources and means of production?

Wonder if she's ever considered the role of skillfully using such control of real economic power to multiply your control of real economic power, causing it to grow exponentially without labor?

Wonder if she identifies the ecological units of the environment as systems that work as a whole, as self-defining units of organization?

She speaks as if "meta space" is real, rather than virtual, the 'map' seeming to be the only 'territory' in this case.


Thanks for your comment Jessie. I'm not sure what you mean with this question. She does not speak of ecology, and the scaffold she talks about is more virtual than real...

I sense some criticism of what Ann Pendleton is saying here... But can't quite grasp your point. Is it possible to encompass the whole and all the dimensions of a topic every time we speak? Is it innate to each of us to speak of reality and what we think in our heads in different words :)

Dante-Gabryell Monson

Jeff Vail's " A Theory of Power " :



Chapter 9: Forward, to Rhizome



Aggregating and factoring (tagging, rating, linking) experiential micro-narratives in terms of an intuitive / ontological framework of commons wealths is where I believe the evolutionary macro-narrative will be seen to emerge in resonant patterns of currency, including attention and imagination.

Let's explore a fundamental iconographic conceptology for the What - How - Why dimensions of tangible accomplishment toward regenerative culture and vibrant ecosystems. I'm interested in taxonomic trees for ease of navigation, but the primary goal is a shared visual tag (icon) set, with an open library of translations into different linguistic and semantic interpretive maps. Tie this metadata onto more familiar mapping functionality (who - when - where) and the big picture begins to crystalize / catalyze quite nicely. I think we'll need to sort out distributed trust-linked datastores to collect tag/rating info by user-in-context (domain, community, association, etc.) but first things first!

I've been sketching around these goals for a while, and want to continue to host open discussion and development. I'll offer a new rizzoma topic for anyone reading here who may like to chime in:



Great thanks Benjamin! I remember you were onto something quite akin to what I had in mind. I think I shared with you already the pearltree (http://pear.ly/bufaT) I temporarily created to navigate the alternatives awaiting for some more relevant ways to navigate between wikipedia pages and keep track of evolution of memes through generation of hyperlinks toward related themes...

I'll be looking at the rizzoma with interest. Let's keep each other posted.


Dante merci! Yes it's a question of diffusion of memes that reflect the diversity and variety in aspirations and priorities and possible paths, though converging toward the same attractor...

For the rest of Vail's dissertation, let me know what you had in mind! I'm looking for actionable stuff! Of the kind that makes obvious to those who want to move which next steps they should take.


I am growing the commons by investing in a way that protects the commons and guiding, clarifying the landscape for likeminded investors.


Thanks Kevin. I'm very interested on how finance could help grow the commons. I would be interested to discuss this further with you if you don't mind -plz :)


We're growing a commons founded on renewable resources to build a marketplace where conservation serves personal self-interest. Sounds counterintuitive perhaps? The key is discounting local renewable energy when purchased with community money. http://reconomy.net

david ronfeldt

fyi, i just added a quote from this post to my post that you reference above. also, many thanks for taking an interest in my post speculating about assurance commons. onward.


David, thank so much for this intervention and quotation on your post! I understand Ann Pendleton has based some of her work here on your research. I hope we can have an opportunity to exchange further on these questions.

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